A logo with an eagle and the name Luke Moffitt

Graphic Wit Project

the word 'gogh' with a pocketknife that cut off the ear of the letter 'g'
Sketch of a pocketknife
Multi-colored outlines of the pocketknife sketch


This project served as a visual exercise to make a connection between a three-dimensional image (the object) and two-dimensional typography. The goal of the project was to create a final composition utilizing a single word and the object in order to exhibit graphic wit through the use of gestalt.

Design Process

  • The Object
    • Choose an everyday object to illustrate
    • Sketch this object in multiple different angles
    • Receive feedback on the best direction and refine
    • Move sketch into Illustrator and start with outlines
    • Use shape-builder tool to create the object
  • The Word
    • Brainstorm a list of words relevant to a pocketknife
    • Try to create meaning with the word and object through sketches
    • Receive feedback and refine
    • Bring sketch into Illustrator to complete the design

Design Decisions

After many failed attempts at creating meaning with a single word and the pocketknife, the idea struck me to use the word Gogh in conjunction with the pocketknife - probably because I was taking Art History at the time. I chose the blue background color and the yellow for the word to represent Starry Night and bring the viewer to a quicker realization. Most people can see the relationship, but those familiar with typography can see a deeper meaning.

Let's work

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